The culture of Bangladesh can hardly be separated from the rest of Bengal and the Indian sub-continent. The cultural development was strongly affected by the Buddhist and Hindu influences of early empires of Northern India and, from the 13th century onwards, by Muslim influences.
Since the 19th century, Bengal was considered to be one of the cultural centers of British India. Numerous known poets and artists, Hindus as well as Muslims, were active here. The most famous among them was the philosopher and poet Rabindranath Tagore, to whom the text of the National anthem of Bangladesh can be traced back.
Unsere siebte Grundschule wurde 2023 feierlich eröffnet. Die Schule befindet sich im Osten Bangladeschs.
Im Frühjahr 2023 begann der Bau unserer sechsten Grundschule. Diese befindet sich im Norden Bangladeschs.
Das Projekt "Regen ist Hoffnung" errichtet Regenwassersammelanlagen für den Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser.
Das Projekt "Für eine Handvoll Reis" sichert die nachhaltige Existenz von Familien.
Unsere Partnerorganisationen:
Syed Shakil Welfare Trust
Initiative for Social Change
Mission Green Bangladesh
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