Banglasdesh – Facts
Official Name: People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Capital: Dhaka
Time Zone: Central European Time (CET) plus 5 hours
Climate: subtropical monsoon climate
Geography: in southern Asia, between 20°34' and 26°38' northern latitude and between 88°01 and 92°41' eastern longitude; fertile alluvial plains
North: India (West Bengal and Meghalaya)
West: India (West Bengal)
East: India (Tripura and Assam) and Myanmar
South: Bay of Bengal
Area: 148,393 km²
Territorial Waters: 12 sea miles
Average Temperatures:
Winter (Nov. – Feb.): maximum 29°C, minimum 9°C. Summer (Apr. – Sep.): maximum 34°C, minimum 21°C.
Rain: 120-345 cm (average during monsoon season)
Air Humidity: highest in July (99%), lowest in December (36%)
Food: staple food rice, vegetables, pulses and fish
Crops: rice, wheat, jute, tea, tobacco and sugar cane
Most important rivers: Ganges/Padma, Brahmaputra/Jamuna, Meghna, Karnaphuli, Teesta, in total 230 rivers with tributaries
Natural resources: natural gas, limestone, stone coal, brown coal, quartz sand, white clay, radioactive sand, etc. (very likely also oil reservoirs).
Vegetation: grass land, partly evergreen and evergreen vegetation
Population: ca. 155 Million
Population Density: 964 residents per km2
Literacy rate: 52%
Ethnic groups: primarily mixed groups of Proto-Australoids/ Dravidians, Mongolians and Indogermanics
Language: 95% Bangla, 5% other languages, English is common
Religion: Muslims (88,3%), Hindus (10,5%), Buddhists (0,6%), Christians (0,3%), followers of natural and tribal religions (0,1%)
Export: 6585.85 Mill. Euro
Import: 4868.55 Mill. Euro
GDP: 49511.00 Mill. Euro
GDP Increase: 6.05 Procent
Labour Force: 58,5 Million
Unsere siebte Grundschule wurde 2023 feierlich eröffnet. Die Schule befindet sich im Osten Bangladeschs.
Im Frühjahr 2023 begann der Bau unserer sechsten Grundschule. Diese befindet sich im Norden Bangladeschs.
Das Projekt "Regen ist Hoffnung" errichtet Regenwassersammelanlagen für den Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser.
Das Projekt "Für eine Handvoll Reis" sichert die nachhaltige Existenz von Familien.
Unsere Partnerorganisationen:
Syed Shakil Welfare Trust
Initiative for Social Change
Mission Green Bangladesh
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